Getting Kids Hooked on Good Dental Hygiene Habits

Young girl with pigtails smiling after seeing dentist for toddlers in Satellite Beach

At Beachside Smiles Pediatric Dentistry in Satellite Beach, our team strives to help all of our young patients build healthy habits early on, minimizing their risk of developing oral health problems like cavities and premature primary tooth loss. We take the time to teach toddlers how to properly brush and floss during these key developmental years. We also offer several helpful preventive dentistry services for toddlers, like dental sealants and thorough dental cleanings, to keep their growing smiles on the right track.


Why Choose Beachside Smiles Pediatric Dentistry for Toddler Dental Care?

  • Certified Pediatric Dentist
  • An Exciting, Beach-Themed Office
  • Happy to See Kids with Special Needs

Toddler Teeth Development

Mother helping her toddler to brush their teeth

The first teeth that appear are usually around the ages of six and 12 months old, and they’re typically located in the middle of the mouth. From this point on, you’ll notice one or two teeth erupt every month, with most of your child’s teeth being visible by the time they turn three years old! As quickly as their teeth grew in, they’ll begin to fall out, so although they may be fussy from teething and discomfort, take the time to cherish these life milestones with them!  

What Is Teething?

Toddler boy chewing on a teething ring

Teething occurs when the first teeth begin to erupt through a baby’s gums, typically lasting into toddlerhood until all of their teeth have grown in. For children as well as parents, this time can be incredibly difficult, causing lots of crying due to discomfort. Typically, teething comes with sore, red gums, changes in sleeping patterns, and even low-grade fevers, but our team can help prepare you with tips and tricks so you can provide your little one with relief.

How to Clean Your Toddler’s Teeth and Gums

Baby boy with no teeth smiling

At your toddler’s routine dental checkups and cleanings, we’ll educate you on how to properly clean their teeth and gums, which can be difficult to do because their smile changes so frequently at this period of their life. We can also provide you with our recommendations for what types of toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss to use.

To keep their smile cavity-free, it’s crucial to begin cleaning their baby teeth as soon as they erupt with either a soft, clean cloth or small, soft-bristled toothbrush. Be sure to do this twice a day, once in the morning and at night before they go to bed. You’ll need to continue this routine until they can do it by themselves.