Quick Dental Guide for Kids & Parents

Mother father and child brushing their teeth together

What should you do after your child has had a teeth cleaning? What should they NOT do? Rather than searching for these answers in reference to a variety of pediatric dental procedures online, we’ve gone ahead and addressed them right here. After reading over everything below, if you still have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out.


Instructions Following a Prophy (Cleaning)

Father and young daughter brushing their teeth together

Tenderness can be normal for one or two days! However, if discomfort persists, children should rinse two or three times a day with warmed salt water. Another solution is to give your child Advil, Motrin, or Children's Tylenol as directed based on their weight and age. 

Instructions Following Fluoride Treatment

Mother and young daughter hugging

It's important for our young patients to not drink, eat, or rinse at all for at least half an hour following fluoride treatment. This will maximize the fluoride's direct contact with tooth enamel and its beneficial effects. 

Instructions Following Sealant Placement

Father hugging his child from behind

When a new sealant is placed, children may complain that their tooth feels strange or different. This sensation should subside in just a few more days. We recommend avoiding any foods that are overly hard, sticky, and/or crunchy for at least a full 24 hours following sealant placement. Do NOT chew ice either. 

Instructions Following Local Anesthesia

Girl in overalls smiling at table with her mother

We would like to inform you that the soft tissue, including lips and tongue, in the work area may be without sensation for a period of two or more hours. Your child should be observed carefully so that they will not purposely or inadvertently bite their tongue, lip, or inner cheek.

Instructions Following Restorative Treatment (Filling or Crown)

Woman with curly brown hair smiling with her daughter

Make certain that your child is not eating or chewing while numb. Please make sure they do not bite their cheeks, lips, or tongue, as doing so can cause injury to the soft tissue. Your child should avoid sticky, crunchy, or hard foods for 24 hours. If your child experiences sensitivity or discomfort, you may give them Children’s Tylenol, Advil, or Motrin as directed for their age and weight.

Instructions Following Pulp Treatment (Pulpotomy/Pulpectomy/Baby Root Canal)

Laughing woman hugging her daughter

Temporary sensitivity is common following this type of treatment. We recommend giving your child Advil, Motrin, or Children's Tylenol, following instructions for dosage regarding their weight and age. If discomfort or excessive sensitivity continues for more than a day, please don't hesitate to reach out for further instruction. 

Instructions Following a Tooth Extraction

Father hugging his daughter and watching her draw
  1. Bite on cotton gauze and change every 5-10 mins until the bleeding stops.
  2. Make sure cotton gauze can always be seen, otherwise it can become a choking hazard.
  3. Give Ibuprofen every 4 hours as needed for pain.
  4. If swelling occurs, use ice against the cheek.
  5. DO NOT drink from a straw.
  6. Soft diet today, and be sure to avoid hot, spicy, or greasy foods. No popcorn for a week.
  7. Avoid sports and heavy physical exertion today. Your child may resume playing sports tomorrow.
  8. No rinsing or spitting today. Skip tooth brushing tonight. Resume normal brushing tomorrow.
  9. Tomorrow- rinse mouth with one teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.
  10. If your child was given antibiotics, please ensure that they take all of them as directed until gone. Young women need to know antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. Use alternate BC methods for two months when antibiotics are taken.

Instructions Following Placement of Stainless Steel Crowns and Space Maintainers

Father laughing with his daughter

The following activities will loosen, remove, or break stainless steel crowns, space maintainers, or sealants…

  1. NO to the following: Caramels, Taffy, Suckers, Jolly Ranchers, Skittles, Starburst, Airheads
  2. NO gum of any kind
  3. NO ice chewing
  4. HOWEVER, plain chocolate of any kind is fine!