Repairing & Refreshing Damaged Pearly Whites  

Smiling mother hugging her daughter from behind

Cavities, dental discoloration, and damage can affect both your child’s oral health and confidence. During the most exciting years of their lives, which are filled with making new friends and developing their social skills, having a cavity filling that sticks out like a sore thumb when they talk can weigh on their self-esteem. Our team offers tooth-colored restorations that are durable, effective, and can erase and repair decay. We also provide take-home teeth whitening to provide children affected by severe tooth discoloration with a large confidence boost. Keep reading below to learn about our options for restorative and cosmetic dentistry for children in Satellite Beach.


Why Choose Beachside Smiles Pediatric Dentistry for Kid’s Restorative & Cosmetic Dental Care?

  • Safe & Effective Teeth Whitening for Kids
  • Certified Pediatric Dentist
  • Fun & Interactive Beach-Themed Dental Office


Tooth-Colored Fillings

Girl in dental chair pointing to her smile

While metal cavity fillings get the job done, they’re incredibly noticeable whenever your child smiles or speaks, which could cause their peers to remark on them. We craft our fillings from a tooth-colored material called composite resin. It’s biocompatible, so it’s able to fuse with the dental structure to create a tight seal and reliable protection. This type of filling is safe, effective, and in many cases, parents aren’t even able to tell which of their child’s teeth has been treated because the results are so seamless!

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

Smiling young boy touching his teeth

Dental discoloration can be a genetic condition or be caused by different habits and environmental changes, like taking certain medications and eating stain-causing foods. If your child suffers from severe stains, we offer effective Opalescence Go! take-home teeth whitening kits to brighten their smile. These feature safe, professional-grade ingredients as well as customized whitening trays to make sure the gel stays on their teeth for the best results. After about two weeks of use, their smile will be up to eight shades brighter.